How to Brush Your Teeth with Braces | Orthodontist 71201

Monroe LA Orthodontist

Brushing your teeth after getting a new set of braces can make for quite a change in your daily routine. Your teeth will require extra care with orthodontics, so here are a few tips shared by our orthodontist in 71201 to help with the daily brushing process.

Start by rinsing

Before you pick up a toothbrush, rinse your mouth with water. The swishing action will loosen some of the remaining debris stuck between your teeth.

Brush away

Start brushing your teeth with the same technique you would use without braces but try angling your brush at the area above your top brackets.. Once the gum line has been cleaned, brush around the brackets. Angle your toothbrush so that you’re reaching completely around each bracket. Take your time. After you’ve finished brushing your top teeth, move to the bottom row using the same angle technique. Don’t forget to brush the back and biting surfaces, as well.

Take your time with the floss

Flossing may take a little more time and patience when you have braces, but make sure that you’re getting in between all of your teeth. The best way to get into spaces around brackets and wires is with a floss threader and interdental brushes.

Finish with a rinse

After you’re done with brushing and flossing, remember to finish with a swig of mouthwash. This last step will clear out any remaining food debris that was dislodged from brushing.

If you have any questions or concerns about your oral hygiene, our team can help you find the best solution. Contact our orthodontics office in Monroe, LA today to learn more about protecting your smile.

Caples & Robinson Orthodontics
Phone: (318) 325-9655
2210 Forsythe Ave.
Monroe, LA 71201